A Photograph and Its Story


It is one of my favorite pictures of me and my no-brothers when I lived with them and my mamo.

My “mamo”, which was like my mother when I was in her house, took this picture when we just arrived to the snow park.

It shows my no-brothers (the sons of my mamo) and me ready to do some sport and with all the equipment necessary for it.

As you could seeit was taken in a ski trip just before skiing. I like this picture just because of that: It reminds me of that family and my no-brothers (I lived with them for 3 months.) and of courseit shows me how I love to ski.

At the timeI upload to Instagram and people saw all the snow with me!

I would love to go back and ski in there again!


  1. Hello! It's a beautiful picture! I can see your happiness and also that of your family. I went skiing a couple of times in my life and it's a lot of fun and a little scary too, but I would love to go back one day!

  2. Hi Manuel, what a nice picture, I have never been in the snow, it has always been my dream to know the snow


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